Our Team

Pastors & Staff

allen perdue

Lead Pastor

I have been married to my amazing wife Heather since October 1996, & we have two children, Lauren & Jonah. We both graduated from Southern Wesleyan University & have served in the local church since 1997. I was ordained in 2001 & continue to work on & live out my calling every day, with God’s help.

I love being the lead pastor of ALIVE Church, & we have such an amazing team. Heather also serves as our church administrator, & I call her “the boss,” because she makes things work & keeps us all on track.

This church family is our tribe, the group of people God has blessed us with to influence Western PWC for Jesus… inspiring people to LIVE, LOVE, & LEAD like JESUS. I love music, reading, basketball, fishing, & being with my family.


Assistant Pastor

I & my wife Becky have been in pastoral church ministry for 23 years & counting. I am a graduate of Boston Baptist College in Boston, Massachusetts. I have served as Youth Pastor, Worship Pastor, Children's Pastor, Lead Pastor & Church Planter. I currently work in Prince William County Schools as a Substitute Teacher, as well as a Chaplain for a national company called Marketplace Chaplains based out of Plano Texas. We have a son & daughter who are actively involved in ministry here at Alive Church. We also have one daughter who is studying Science and Healthcare at The Crown College in Powell, TN.

Becky & I count it a blessing to serve alongside our family at Alive, whose desire is to help guide people into a relationship with Jesus Christ so they will live, love, & lead like Jesus in our community.

justin Hamacher

Executive Pastor

I was born in Florida & our family moved to Fairfax 1992 as I was entering Middle School. After my high school sweetheart, Stefanie, & I were married in 2000, we moved to the Bristow/Gainesville area & have allowed our roots to grow deep here ever since. We are blessed beyond measure with five sons AND two dogs! We currently have two sons in high school (Zack and Will), two in college (Kyle and Jake) & our oldest is in grad school (Ryan). And since I know you're wondering YES the dogs, Rusty & Shadow, are boys too! There is only ONE woman in our life.. & she is our everything!
My background has been in organizational leadership for over 20 years & although the business world supplies our family's income, my heart beats only for Jesus Christ & His gospel. I was ordained for ministry in July 2021 after serving Christ & His people for 12+ years in multiple ministry roles locally. My greatest passions are to preach, teach, lead, & organize God's people while sharing the Gospel with anyone around me who will listen & I teach others to do the same. The Lord has also given me a heavy burden for the persecuted Church overseas where I currently help encourage & support missionaries & pastors in Bangladesh, China, Pakistan & Scotland.  
I love the Alive Church family & I am excited and humbled to serve on the Pastoral team. If you or your family ever need ANYTHING please let us know! We love you with the love of Christ!  

Jonah perdue

Worship Minister

robin hatcher

Outreach Leader

God planted service & ministry deep in my heart. I studied psychology & Christian Education at Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Those 4 years were a time of beautiful healing, saturation in God’s Word, & His amazing love.

I moved to VA to do my master’s degree counseling internship & ended up building a life here. My husband & I have been married for 26 years & have three kids. For 21 years, I was blessed to have my dream job which consisted of raising my family, homeschooling my kids, & serving in our church. Our situation drastically changed because of a work injury for my husband, but God lead me to the perfect job at just the right time because of serving in outreach. It is a beautiful testimony of God’s provision that I love to share.

One of my favorite things to do is hit the trail for a good hike. Walking through God’s beautiful creation fills me with awe of Him & His incredible creativity. Time in nature renews my soul & recharges my batteries.

If you are interested in serving God through outreach ministries (or a good hike), please see me. There are opportunities to serve the Lord in both our local community & around the world.

Lauren perdue

Youth Leader

I have lived in VA since the young age of 18 months. In May 2022, I graduated from Liberty University with a bachelor’s degree in education. I currently teach in the Prince William County School system as a 5th grade teacher.
At Alive, I am serving as the youth leader and assist in leading worship on a regular basis. I love watching our students grow closer to God and build lasting friendships with one another. One of my greatest passions & joys is singing and leading others into worshipping our Savior!

beth & derek dolly

Kid's Ministry Leaders

My husband Derek and I joined the Kids Ministry team two years ago. The Holy Spirit clearly spoke to me and told me "I could do it!" I am a follower of Jesus, who is excited about getting to know Him more daily. Our passion at Alive Kids is to create a fun and interactive place where kids will learn about the Life- Changing Love of Jesus!

I can be found on our family compound in Nokesville, enjoying the multi-moving pieces of our four kids, 10 years old and under.  I love strong sweet-creamed coffee, walking, Mexican food and singing Harmony. My husband of fifteen plus years can be found driving a rusty MONSTERTRUCK and me loving to ride. My education is nursing, and because of my passion for helping people, Jesus took me out of the one place I thought I loved most... and put me in a place where I was most needed.

Doug bell

Media Team

Jim Eckert

Board Secretary/Treasurer

Dawn Haithcox

Weekend Ministries