Rodney & Sarah reed

Serving in Kenya, Africa

Rod and Sarah are currently assigned on the Africa East Field of the Church of the Nazarene in Nairobi, Kenya.
Rod serves as the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs (Academic Dean) of Africa Nazarene University (ANU) in Nairobi, Kenya.

Currently, ANU is offering over 30 academic and professional programs and has a student population of 2300 students. Rod has engaged in research and publication (find him on Amazon.com!). Most of all Rod loves his God and his family.

Sarah serves as the Nazarene Children’s Ministries Coordinator for the Africa East Field (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, & the Horn of Africa).

Jim & Angela Domroes

Serving in Paraguay, South America

Jim and Angela Domroes along with their children J.J. and Gracie are missionaries serving in Paraguay, South Cone Field in the South America Region.

Before deployment the Domroes led evangelism teams in multiple short-term mission trips to Central, South America, the Caribbean and Indonesia. They also connected people with Jesus in hospitals and prisons through visits, worship and Bible studies. They believe that God is worthy of any sacrifice and for their family it is an honor to join God in advancing His Kingdom here on earth.

Please join the Domroes family in the ends of the world by praying for billions to be reached. Also, for open doors for the Gospel wherever they go and for the strength and spiritual and physical protection. We pray God’s Holy Spirit continues stirring your heart to obey His plans for your life and for the spread of the Gospel across the world.

Shannon Smith

Serving in Cambodia, Asia-Pacific

Shannon has been serving in Cambodia since 2018. After spending many years in language school, as well as serving in many different roles, she is currently serving alongside our Cambodian Nazarene brothers and sisters in Christ in the area of District Development. Cambodia is a country that is 95% Buddhist and and there are only a little over 1% of people who are Christ followers. Our Cambodian Nazarene family are passionate about sharing the Gospel with their neighbors and friends. God is moving as the people of God make intentional efforts to bring light into the dark places in their villages and communities!

Shannon would appreciate your prayers as she partners with the Cambodian people to disciple and train pastors who are working towards ordination, for the development of the Cambodia District, as churches are planted in unreached villages across the country, and as freedom in Christ is proclaimed to children, youth, and adults in the country of Cambodia.